Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Concerns of being deprived of Independence

(भारत का स्वधर्म by Shri Dharmpal)

Here we will try to understand the Bharatiya and European society, psyche, polity and social mechanism, and the effects of their clash (during the last 250 yrs) on us.
Firstly, we will discuss about the intellectual atmosphere created by prominent personalities as well as conclusions reached due to the experiences of servitude at the hands of British. These are important to understand because knowingly or unknowingly, we are still living amidst them. Our discussion will also hint at the preparations done by conquering British some of which forms the very background of European psyche.
Freedom struggle forms a natural starting point of our discussion. In Hind Swaraj (1909), Gandhiji viewed the freedom struggle not merely as an armed struggle between two countries but as a clash of two civilizations. Ample literature can be found written around 1920s on indigenous education system of 18th century, conditions and aspirations of the society before the arrival of Britishers and the increase of poverty and misery under the British. Writers varied from Gandhiji and his followers to Sir Shankaran Nayar who was a member of viceroy's council. But these were not written with a view of presenting a holistic picture of the society. Instead, they were just a part of the quest of knowing history.

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